No. 1 Elevated Late Night Club
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The New Abraham Cloud Music is a party for your mind. It invites you “Behind The Palace Walls,” where you can experience life on the other side. Up close and in clear view you can lead the life of conspicuous consumption you’ve always dreamed about.

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This great live moment was taken from the Album Release Party for “Voyage To Afghanistan.” The Band features the incredible Johnny G on bass, John Garwood on guitar and Johnny Pop on drums. Live in Los Angeles.
Bus Exhaust live in LA
Let’s Make Love (on the floor of the Liquor Store) Live at Ghengis
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Another Successful Breakfast Review
by Alex Henderson
When a singer/songwriter calls one of his songs “Let’s Make Love (On the Floor of the Liquor Store),” you can safely assume that he has a wild sense of humor. Abraham Cloud definitely does, and that goofy yet rockin’ number is one of the high points of Another Successful Breakfast. But on the whole, this isn’t a CD that tries to hold your attention with shock value for the sake of shock value. Nor is it a CD that goes out of its way to be accessible; most of Cloud’s alternative pop/rock is on the moody side, and the obscure artist manages to be moody, introspective, and quirky at the same time on tracks such as “Baby Lemonade,” “The Company of Strangers,” and “Cigarette Bar” (a duet with singer Esther Terry). With influences ranging from R.E.M. and Neil Young to David Bowie and Roxy Music, Cloud shows promise on this intriguing and chance-taking, if uneven, release.

Abraham Cloud is an urban storyteller with a unique perspective and a gift for melody. Addressing predominantly homeless and shiftless themes, Abe’s stories are detailed narratives told from a first hand point of view. Although Abe claims, ‘Observing and not doing is my inspiration for writing,’ ‘Another Successful Breakfast’ is, in fact, based on his life experiences. From the Salinas Valley of Northern California to the streets of Los Angeles – raised on the stories of Steinbeck and the music of John Lennon, Abraham Cloud has a story to tell. In many ways reminiscent of the bar room music of Tom Waits, Abe’s music covers the spectrum of musical styles and is difficult to pigeon-hole into a specific category. Poignant and sincere, Abe conveys with his sense of humor firmly intact. An unconscious but effective marriage of unique stories with his own persona, Abe’s personality and down-and-out humor are an integral part of every story that he tells. ‘When I’m writing my best, desperate characters come out but with my sense of humor,’ Abe explains. Often contemplative, frequently introspective and always insightful, Abe tells a story like no one else. ‘My goal is to tell a complete story, but not a specific one. I try to leave enough space so that anyone can write their own story into it,’ says Abe. The result, intensely personal stories with universal appeal, makes ‘Another Successful Breakfast’ food for thought, not just another collection of pop recordings. BAM, June 1995 Justwhen I thought the cool, aggressive folk-rock on this tape was going tohit a cruise point, the music swung in another powerful direction with’The Company of Strangers,’ recalling some of David Bowie’s best, most contemplative moments. Inspired by Neil Young’s ‘Freedom’ (he wrote in a note attached to the recording), Cloud – singing in a mid-range, cigarette-streaked voice – carries on that tradition of ragged but real rock with authority. Big Shout, July 1995 Another successful, well constructed, carefully planned album, designed for every occasion and occurrence life has to offer. ‘Let’s Make Love (On the Floor Of The Liquor Store’ and ‘Cigarette Bar,’ set a swingingtone that will turn the most loafable slacker into a dancing fool. If’sexual healing’ is the desire, slink down to ‘What’s So Great AboutHappiness.’ For a good ‘read-a-book-to-song,’ feel, then try,’Monopoly’ or ‘Baby Lemonade.’And finally, the lullaby song award goes to ‘Breathing (By the Light OfThe Moon).’ Each track of ‘Another Successful Breakfast’ creates talesof pure pop fantasies, that have no doubt been extracted straight fromtear-jerking, real life experiences. Honestly, it sure is a pleasure tohear an artist who places equal attention and focus on the music andlyrics. Thanks. -Jennie Tagle Cake Magazine, #35, Weirdstory- The publicist from Stonegarden calls us and asks if we havereceived this CD. So I say yeah we did. I’m being really evil herebecause I like the CD very much and I was gonna call them but they beatme to it and now I’m sort of pulling this poor publicist’s chain. Sothe publicist sighs and says hopefully, ‘Did you get a chance to listento it?’ I say oh yeah, knowing full well I am going to burn in hell forbeing this coy. There is a brief pause as the publicist gears up forrejection. Being a publicist is a thankless task. ‘So what did youthink of it?’ she asks as cheerfully as possible for so late in theday. I tell her I loved it. I tell her I think the guy is a brilliantsongwriter and I want to talk to him. She is somewhat stunned for amoment. I believe she thinks I am dicking with her. I am not. A fewhours later I get a call from Abraham Cloudand he is also somewhat stunned at my enthusiasm. Sometimes I forgethow truly cruel the music business is and how much rejection you faceon a daily basis. The upshot of this whole story is that atthe end of the conversation with A. Cloud I ask him if he’s a pirate.There is an eerie silence on the phone. Finally he says in an audiblyshaken, low tone, ‘Why the hell did you ask me that?’ I explain thatthe issue is about pirates and spies. Turns out he once went to one ofthose past life regressions and he revealed under hypnosis that he hadbeen a pirate. We were getting along so well it freaked him out.Thought I could read his mind, I guess. He needn’t haveworried about my being able to read his mind. I think he’s got too manylayers for me to read them all. His lyrics are witty, warm, sexy,intelligent, and lonely. He whispers, shouts, groans and manages withhis elegant voice to make it all seem like singing. Oh, did I mentionhe writes a hell of a song? ‘Let’s Make Love (On the Floor of theLiquor Store)’ is most certainly the ‘Why Don’t We Do It In The Road’of the 90&’;s. ‘Cigarette Bar’ is sort of a more rousing take on’Here Comes a Regular’ and as much as I love Cloud’s voice, I’d like tosee Paul Westerbergtake a crack at ‘Anytime You Walk Into the Room’ (high praise from me).Like David Bowie mixed with Westerberg, Abraham Cloud sounds like acynical and broken-hearted explosion of experiences, observations andvulnerabilities. He is like salt on polished onyx – he’s got the giftof rock with the luster of style. And he’s a pirate. Cover Magazine, Summer 1995 Whois Abraham Cloud? Judging by the songs on this debut release, he isRatso Rizzo with an acoustic guitar. Cloud’s seemingly autobiographicalsongs tell tales of him wandering seedy Los Angeles looking for a cheapbreakfast (thus the title), followed by cheap sex and cheap booze; andconsidering Cloud’s weathered voice, one has to assume he sings what heknows. His ‘losers with heart’ storylines are reminiscent of Tom Waitsor Springsteen. ‘Another Successful Breakfast’ is sometimes scary,sometimes funny, but always very real. -Raymond Ecke The Music Paper, November 1995 Amodern day singer/songwriter who is equally at home with broadanthem-like, sweeping guitar statements or soft, introspectiveruminations, Cloud has’s sleepy, expressive voice with a rangesomewhere near Lloyd Cole’s. He writes great lyrics and has a taste forcrunchy alterna-guitars and subtle, Beatle-esque hooks. The New Review of Records, November 1995 Californiasinger/guitarist Cloud unveils 13 diverse songs which tackle modern daysituations with clever wit. His deranged sense of humor steps forwardon ‘Let’s Make Love (On The Floor Of The Liquor Store),’ ‘CigaretteBar,’ and stinging ‘Are You R?’ Some of the acoustic tunes can use akick-start, but the more determined numbers allow violin, strings, andpiano to carry some the of weight. -John Fortunato Slug Magazine, May 1995 DoI really need to listen to another CD from one of thesesinger/songwriter guys? Has the resurgence of the religious right andthe fanatical baggage those Nazi’s carry with them inspired every’pinko faggot’ in the country to pick up a guitar and set their poemsto music? As usual, I lost the press release. It’s in a pile somewherewith unsent Private Eyereader’s polls, unread copies of the Grid and the Catalyst ‘how towedding issue.’ You sit around listening to God knows how many stupidCD’s every month and every now and then one of them sifts it’s waythrough the fog of lost brain cells or excess Pabst to grab your ballsand squeeze. Abraham Cloud did just that. The cover depicts achild with a slingshot aiming at a pigeon. That’s dinner, food stampsare a thing of the past, the food banks are without food and Leavittand Coradinni are too busy wooing the Olympic Comittee to worry abouthomeless, hungry families with children. On the back is Adrian picturedwith a street musician playing the accordion. Inside is the info on whohelped him out with the CD. Cloud’s poetry is right on the mark. Thelyrics aren’t printed, but he sings them clearly and his stories oflife in a society gone mad are easily understood. He’s from L.A. and if I were you I’d go find this CD. Askthe loser clerks at Media Play with their embarrassed red faces if theyhave it. They won’t know what in the hell you

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